Sunday, July 18, 2010

Two Months

It's been two months since Will left Italy for his tour in Afghanistan. We have just over two more months to go before he returns. Luckily, Skype comes through to save the day. It's hard enough being apart for this long and honestly, I can't imagine how much harder it would be if I couldn't at least see him regularly. Recently, Will found a place on base that has skype set up on five desktop computers. Our time is limited to twenty minutes and sometimes there is a line of others waiting to call their loved ones but so far it has worked out great for us. They also installed higher speed internet in the tents where he sleeps so hopefully in the next few days he'll be able to instant message via skype and email from his room. Anyway, check out this picture of my handsome man. You'd be upset if you didn't get to see this face everyday too. Even with the mustache! I hit the jackpot and you better believe I know it. I am so head over heels in love with him. It's a great excuse for any absent minded things I do for the next few months!
skype love

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