Thursday, August 13, 2009

McLovin Does San Diego...Again

I spent last weekend in San Diego for Katie and Steve's bachelorette and bachelor party celebration. Yes, we joined forces during the day, but by night we were like two separate gangs "on the prowl." I endured minor bachelorette party battle wounds from slapping my bachelorette name tag (McLovin) to my chest as it wouldn't stick to my shirt. Other than that, it was an injury free event. We spent days at the beach, on cruiser rides, at concerts, and on jeep rides. It was so much fun catching up with old Denver friends and kicking off what is sure to be the wedding event of the year. Katie tore up the town in her bachelorette gear, although it slowly came off piece by piece. I think she ended up with a sash. Appropriate for this "less is more" bride. By the way, I found your blinking kiss the bride button in my pants pocket. Let me know if you're ready to wear it out again:-)

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