Thursday, March 31, 2011


Wouldn't it be amazing if weddings were like college orientation weekend where you step up to the registration table, sign in, receive your room key and you're done? Maybe play a few "get to know you games" like trainwreck or never have I ever or Quarters with unfamiliar relatives? Our next wedding might just be a bonfire on the beach. But in the mean time, we submit to the wedding gods, er, moms and plan the most fabulous affair they can imagine.

There is one part Will and I have total control over though...Registration. I mean, the registries. Whatever. You know, you get the scanner gun and go traipsing through the store aiming at everything your little heart has ever desired. Real, non-generic zip lock bags - scan. Charmin toilet paper - scan. Yankee candle - scan. Will finally reigned me in when I hit the cleaning aisle and went straight for the swiffer. "Hon, I was thinking we should register for things that we wouldn't normally buy for ourselves and I fully intend on buying a swiffer before the wedding in October." So I gave him complete control over the scanner. It worked out much better that way.

Will strategically mapped out our path through each store so we wouldn't miss an aisle and I just pointed at things I thought maybe we could use over the next, you know, lifetime. Somehow we still ended up with a few questionable items. Like the grill press. Will was mesmerized by this grill press at Williams-Sonoma. I asked what it was for and he said, "you put it on your steak while it's on the grill so it holds it down." My mistake, I thought that's what gravity was for, but I must have misunderstood. Whatever, it's for the grill, which I am completely aware is none of my business. On with the grill press. Plus Will says our registries are like a dream wish list so why hold back? Kinda makes me wish I put that swiffer on there....

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