Friday, April 16, 2010

The relationship that started across an ocean has made a full international circle. After Paris, we spent almost every weekend together in the States visiting a different city, culminating with a wedding in Chicago. Will flew back to Italy on Monday and we are back to organizing our lives based on international time tables and interrupting sleep schedules. A big high five to Skype for letting us see each other thousands of miles apart. It is such an incredible gift for the two of us. Here are more pictures from Busch Gardens which we visited a few weeks ago, a tour of Chicago, a wedding in Springfield, and a motorcycle tour of northern Virginia. That's right. I'm a Harley girl now!

Busch Gardens has gone 3-D. We don't know what the ride was about....something along the lines of dungeons and dragons, but it made for a cute picture.

Stomping the grapes Lucy style

The teacups were actually a big hit. Exhausting, but fun. In the end, we decided that we shouldn't have to work that hard to have fun after we paid for tickets.

Best. Popcorn. Ever.

We made it to Wrigley field. Note to Denver, build stadium seating on top of the apartments around the ballpark. Genius.

Harry Karry...and something about hot dogs eating themselves..

The Chicago skyline from Navy Pier. It was freezing!

And this is the famous view from the women's bathroom in the Hancock building. Will snuck a peek on a cloudy day when there weren't many visitors because he didn't believe me. The men's bathroom doesn't have a single window! We went back the next day to take pictures. I was the only one in the women's bathroom that day.

Riding on the back of the Harley. So exhilarating. I'm hooked!


At the Greek wedding. What a show. We were definitely the entertainment on the dance floor.


Farr said...

Baskette - It's Harry CARAY.

Lindsey Andreotta said...

Not per google