Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Way back before Thanksgiving, Will and I decked the halls for Christmas so that our house would look pretty for our Thanksgiving house guests. The stockings were hung on the fireplace, the prelit twirling tree was ornamented, but not twirling because apparently that is "tacky" - the tree is from Kmart - let the tackiness twirl. And of course, the hand-painted nativity set my mother in law made for us was set out on our new sofa table.

When we told mom about the Nativity set over the phone, she instinctively knew something was wrong - without even seeing it. Can you tell where we made a mistake?

Well, there it is, Baby Jesus laying on his manger ...... in the well. Not a platform to display the newborn king as we thought was obvious, it is indeed a well. Here's hoping the wise men and their camels can save the day little buddy.

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