Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Today marks the five week point. While I haven't been able to see Will, I did get to spend some time with his family on Father's day weekend. It was really fun to see them and share stories since our trip to Italy together. We talked a lot about Will and started making plans to see him again this fall. It was really nice to feel supported by his family since they are missing him just as much as I am. I also got to pick up my new pillow cases made from his old flight suits! They are adorable and fit perfectly. I even found one entire side without zippers or velcro to sleep on so I don't wake up with scar tissue on my face. I also purchased this amazing tool at Michael's called the "Bowdabra." This simple piece of fabric feeds my desire to be creative even though I am not. I have become obsessed with bowmaking and have dedicated the outside of Delta Gamma to Will (see below).

We are planning lots of trips upon his return - why should a relationship that started overseas not continue to circle the globe?! Munich, Italy, Disney...can't wait. Planning trips gives him something to do on his days off and I don't mind the outcome:-) We are doing great and still getting to talk on the phone every night. Thanks for all the continued support!
Five weeks worth of marbles

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