Wednesday, September 2, 2009

This may be bad luck, but I am hoping it will give me the boost of confidence I need to get through the next few days. Back in May, after I accepted a job on the Labor & Delivery unit at UVA, I ordered a fleece with the unit logo and my name on it to wear when I am running errands in town or freezing at work because everyone else is hot blooded. We had the opportunity to have the jackets embroidered so I chose to do just that. It felt weird to write L. Baskette, RN on paper and I even asked another nurse if it was okay to order the jacket with "RN" even though I wasn't licensed yet. She said "yes, of course," so I went for it. I picked up my jacket last week and have toyed with the idea that maybe if I wear it in the days leading up to my big NCLEX exam, I'll have increased confidence going into the test. Some suggested that I even wear the jacket to my exam and just tell everyone I'm there to take it again for kicks. I'm not sure I should push my luck that far, but it is fun knowing that I have this cozy gift waiting for me to wear with pride as soon as I get past that pesky exam!

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